Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

‘Strange Sally Diamond’ has been sitting on my shelf for far too long, so when a lovely bookworm offered to buddy read with me, I knew it was time to take the book off my shelf and read it. And, I am so glad that I did – and it is definitely a great book to buddy read.

Sally Diamond does not think that life is strange; in fact, she has been happy with her existence until the death of her father. From this moment, her life changes forever, and everything she thought she knew starts to crumble. This is a story where I absolutely can not share any spoilers, too, because this is an incredible read. Although not a light read, this is quite a dark tale, but there are still some moments of humour in it.

The book is a fascinating study of human nature. As well as that age-old question: nature versus nurture? All of which makes it such an amazing buddy read, as there is so much to debate in its pages. It will really make you question what Liz Nugent makes you and her characters believe about those you encounter as you read the book. And it probably does teach us all to be a little more kind, as we never really know everything about anyone, and maybe our prejudgements are not always accurate.

I do not feel I can do a long post about this book because it has to be read to be fully appreciated and I do not want to spoil anyone’s reading experience. I will, however, say that this is a book that has introduced me to a new author who I would like to read more from, because if they are even half as good as this one, then they will be fantastic reads, with well-crafted characters and thought-provoking stories.

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