Goose by Dawn O’Porter

It has been a little while since I read a book in a day but that is exactly what I did with ‘Goose’ by Dawn O’Porter. And, I must be hooked, as, after never having read any books by Dawn O’Porter, I have read two in a month.

‘Goose’ is the sequel to ‘Paper Aeroplanes‘ and it was lovely to be reunited with Renee and Flo, and see how the time after Secondary School is going for each of them. It will be no surprise that it is not all smooth sailing for our duo and there are challenges thrown in their way – and there is a rather worrying moment when it appears that their friendship may be on the rocks (not a spoiler as we all know the trials and tribulations that come with teenage years and friendship) – but we know our pair will find their way eventually. Allthough, it is not always the path that they thought they would be following, and sometimes you have to be willing to change your path as you go – after all, nothing is ever set in stone.

I do not want to share too much about the year they seem to have as they work towards their A-Levels, but you will become fully invested in hoping that Renee and Flo both find their way as they face the year. I think it is a little bit of a story that shows how opposites can attract and create some of the strongest bonds that can be formed. And just like in ‘Paper Aeroplanes’, Dawn O’Porter does not shy away from tackling some tough issues, but it is always done well, with sensitivity and care, and not to shock.

I do have to reinforce that I do not think that these are books that should be categorised as YA – or at least not as much older YA, anyway. Although it is wonderful that so many important issues are tackled in these stories, I feel that these are books that can be read to be reflective. To, possibly, remind us what it was like to be a teenager, and not what it is to be a teenager.

I am certainly looking forward to finding out more about Renee and Flo in ‘Honeybee’, which has been released this year.

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