The Hike by Lucy Clarke

I am ahead of the game, already having finished the January pick for the Book and Pudding Club I attend. I guess that is the joy of only having your Kindle with you when you need to pick a new book, and ‘The Hike’ is sitting there ready for you to read. This was also the perfect book for the ‘Twixmas Days’ as it is a page-turning thriller, that has you just wanting to know what will happen next.

Four female friends set of on a hike, their annual trip to spend time together, although this year it is different as they do not usually go for something so adventurous, usually opting for some time on the beach. However, each of these women is carrying more baggage than their backpacks and as they spend more time on this hike, secrets are revealed and friendships are tested. All alongside them encountering the trip of their nightmares, rather than a lifetime. And, why do they feel haunted by Karin, a woman who went missing on the same hike a year before?

What I liked about this book is the way that the chapters were constructed. Each chapter is a different perspective, which is not unusual, but there are chapters from a character who works as a mountain rescue volunteer and these are cleverly placed throughout the book. These chapters are a clever way to feed information to the reader that may impact their reading experience. I found these chapters fascinating the more the story went on – and as I finished the book I did reflect on how these chapters had impacted my understanding or perspective of the story.

I have to be honest, I am not sure I was a complete fan of all of the friends. I am not sure I believed in them all as real people but I did understand their situations and some of their experiences which maybe explained some of their behaviour. Although, by the end there was a change in each of the characters.

This was a fast-paced read and a clear page-turner. You just had to know what was going to happen next – this was my second book by this author and I much preferred it to the first one I read on audiobook. I think I would have found this hard as an audiobook as you need to keep the thread and different perspectives need to be clear. So, I would read more of Lucy Clarke’s books but I think I would stick to physical copies rather than audiobooks.

I See You by Clare Mackintosh

I clearly decided I wanted to end my 2024 reading year with a bang, even if I did not realise it, and picked ‘I See You’ by Clare Mackintosh. What a wild ride of a read, and one that I could not put down.

This is a true chilling thriller and that was what kept me hooked and picking it up at every moment that I could. It left me a little unerved, because it was one of those thrillers that you can actually imagine (potentially) happening, and that always makes it that little more chilling as you read.

Zoe spots a familiar photo in the classified ads of the London Gazette; in fact, it is a little too close to home, and she has no idea how it got there. However, she starts to notice that there is a connection between photos of women appearing in the classified ads and crimes that are being committed against women in the London area. I can not give away any more than that because this is a spoiler-free review – but what I can say is that this is an incredibly well-constructed thriller. You are left trusting nobody and you feel the fear that Zoe feels as the story progresses. There are twists and red herrings and a thrilling conclusion as we reach the end of the story – or is it really the end of the story?

I did not work out the full conclusion to this tale, which is something that makes a good thriller. On the final page, some of my suspicions were confirmed, but I had many before the final twist was revealed and they certainly had not all been correct.

I think that this could be my favourite of Clare Mackintosh’s books; I think I like it even more than ‘I Let You Go‘ and I know that is a particular favourite of many thriller fans. Clare writes excellent female characters and really draws you into the world of the central characters, which makes you feel like you are living the experiences with them. I really liked that, in this book, there was an insight into our perpetrator at points, and these left you pondering who exactly that may be. It is so skillfully done that you consider it to be so many characters. In fact, these sections were some of the most chilling to read, as you can imagine, and I think that the villain was one of the most unnerving that I have read in a recent thriller.

So, this is a book that any thriller fan should pick up if they are looking for a new read. It certainly made the end of my 2024 reading year a fantastic one, and I will be recommending this to everyone who asks for a thriller recommendation, as it was an absolutely brilliant read from the moment it started.

Happy Bloody Christmas by Jo Middleton

I have not read a huge number of festive books this year. I think it is because I am such a mood reader, rather than a planner. And, this has definitely been my year for crime and thriller books, so when you can mix that with a festive read, it sounds like my kind of book.

I read this as a buddy read with a lovely fellow bookworm, and it is a great book to read along with someone else, as you can play armchair detective, but you can also share your own anecdotes about Christmas. I also finished it on Christmas Day, which seemed like perfect timing to me.

‘Happy Bloody Christmas’ starts with the discovery of a dead Father Christmas in the pantry (sounds like something out of Cluedo, which I think may have been a little of the inspiration for this book – especially as it gets a shout out in the book) and, from there, we follow Anna as she tries to not only solve the mystery of who stabbed Santa, while also keeping Christmas on track. But it is already Christmas Eve. This leads to a rather amusing series of events as Anna tries to juggle all that comes with an investigation and Christmas.

This is a cosy crime tale for the festive season with a note of light heartedness as it looks at family relationships and pressures at Christmas time. It makes for a rather easy but well-constructed story, that leads us in all sorts of different directions as to who may have chosen Santa as their victim – there are a few moments of misdirection, and that makes for a page-turner of a read.

As I always say, there are no spoilers here, so that makes for a slightly shorter post; however, I am excited to see that there is a second book out next year which I may well pop on my list of festive reads (which, I agree, sounds like rather a lot of planning for a mood reader).

Have you had any favourite festive reads this year?

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

As I have been lucky enought to visit Alaska, it is always a joy to find a book which is set in this wild and majestic part of the world. And, quite by chance, I have read two books this month set in this very place, and the author of ‘The Snow Child’, Eowyn Ivey, is a proud Alaskan which makes this book even more magical to me.

Now, I have to admit that this beautiful book had passed me by until it was selected as the December read of ‘The Book Taster Book Club’ and, to begin with, I was not entirely sure that this would be a book that I would traditionally choose to read (based on initial impressions – or as most of us call it, the cover). However, I would have missed an absolute treat if I had let that impression overtake me, because this book is an absolute treat.

This is a book that you have to savour; this is not a book that can be rushed. This book is inspired by ‘The Snow Girl’, a Russian folk tale, but is a magnificent story in its own right. We meet Jack and Mabel, as they are begining their new life on an Alaskan homestead; they are haunted by a tragedy from their past, but they are determined to make a success of their new life and the new opportunities that are promised to them in Alaska.

One evening, they meet Faina, the beautiful and mysterious young girl who seems to only appear when it snows and disappear as the new life comes with spring. We follow these characters over a number of years, and see how special Faina becomes to Jack and Mabel, and the magic that she brings to not just their lives but those of their closest friends in their new world. And, when you read the final page, you know that this book and its characters will stay with you for life – and that you will want to share them with as many other readers as possible.

There is also so much in this book that is left to the reader’s imagination, and that always makes for a read that becomes an interesting and fascinating one. There is also the mystery of Faina having no speech marks when she has dialogue with anyone in the book. Now, lack of speech marks is not being commented on, because it is something that bothers me, but it is clearly to serve a purpose in this book, and we had quite the conversation at book club as to what that purpose may be.

If you are looking for a magical winter read, then this is a book that I will forever recommend – in fact, since finishing it, I have realised that I love it even more than I thought I did, as I was reading it because it is so beautifully written, the characters are all lovely, and the atmosphere and sense of place within Alaska in the 1920s is stunningly created for the readers. This is a book that, despite being set somewhere remote and difficult to live in, makes you want to be there and experience it alongside the characters; in fact, you probably want to sit down with the characters and have a chat.

So, again, I have to thank ‘The Book Taster’ for bringing another brilliant author to my attention and more books to my tbr pile. Because I know would love to read anything written by Eowyn Ivey, and I am very excited for her new book inspired by ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

The Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah

I have immediately come on here to review ‘The Winter Garden’ by Kristin Hannah, and I am even doing it with some tears still in my eyes. ‘The Winter Garden’ was chosen by the Knowle Book and Pudding Club and I was very excited about it as, about this time last year, I read ‘The Four Winds’ and, when I finished, I knew I wanted to read more books by Kristin Hannah – I just did not think it would be about a year before I did it. And I am determined that I am going to read another one soon, and definitely before another year is out.

I did not know what the premise of this story was, other than the word ‘Leningrad’ on the front cover, but nothing prepared me for what an emotional rollercoaster this read was going to be. I cannot give away what this is about, because I want you all to experience this beautiful book for yourself. Although, my advice is that you should be prepared for some tears as you reach the conclusion of the story.

What I will say about this book is that Kristin Hannah is incredibly skilled at not only putting women at the centre of her stories, but placing them at the centre of history. A place that, sometimes, women miss out on, despite all the important parts they have played throughout our world history – often a little more behind the scenes, but still being essential as the story of the world unfolds.

Alongside this, Kristin writes beautifully about relationships. And, in both of the books that I have read, she has written excellent relationships between mothers and daughters: how these can be some of the most incredible bonds, but also some of the most challenging relationships that women can face. In ‘The Winter Garden’, this relationship is represented in so many different ways but, essentially, love is at the centre of them all, even if it is not always obvious to those who are there until the past is fully understood.

I am not sure if I am doing this book justice, because there is just so much wonderful storytelling throughout this story, and it will have you researching more about the historical events that are described in its pages. But the epilogue is one of the most beautiful I have read, and brought the story to an almost perfect conclusion – although I hoped that there was a further reunion as the book came to a close.

If you are a fan of Kristin Hannah’s books – which is your favourite? As I need to work out the best way to tackle her extensive backlist of titles – and I definitely need to do it sooner than in a year’s time.

All I Want for Christmas by Karen Swan

I have finally done it, I have finally read a Karen Swan book. I am not sure what has taken me so long. However, a big thank you to one of my bookstagram buddies for agreeing to a buddy read with me, and encouraging me to pick this book up.

I think, if I judged this book by its cover, which is a bad habit I admit I have, I would have assumed that this was a cheesy romance story with a bit of a Christmas theme. (And I may have worked out that it was set in Copenhagen, haha). This book is so much more than its cover suggests – and, dare I say it, I may try to read some more books by Karen Swan.

I loved that this book had a wonderful mystery story woven into it, too, that, to me, made the romance element secondary, rather than the being the focus of the story. I absolutely loved that Darcy had to use her art historian skills to be a detective to find out the identity of the woman in the portrait that had been hidden behind another famous painting. This really sucked me in, as I wanted to know who it was just as much as Darcy did – and what it had to do with Max. I did work out a little of the connection, but not the full picture (pardon the pun), and I really enjoyed following Darcy as she worked it out.

I do not want to give too much of the plot away, as I like my posts to be spoiler-free. But there are some of the elements that you would expect from a classic romance novel: the apparently unavailable man and the series of unfortunate events (or fortunate events, depending on your point of view) that seem to keep throwing our central characters together.

It is also a book that makes a good buddy read, as you have so many moments where you want to share what you think, gossip about the secrets that have been revealed, and share your predictions about what is going to happen next. And they are definitely the best kind of buddy-read books.

If you have read a Karen Swan book, please let me know – as I would love to know which other ones are worth a read to spark that Christmas spirit this year.

All the Colours of the Dark by Chris Whitaker

I recently discovered the books of Chris Whitaker earlier this year when I read ‘We Begin at the End’. And, from finishing that book, I knew I had to pick up ‘All the Colours of the Dark’.

I am not sure I can do ‘All the Colours of the Dark’ the justice that it deserves, especially as I am not willing to give spoilers, as each of you need to read the book yourself and really enjoy the reading experience. This (just like ‘We Begin at the End’) is a book full of emotion and atmosphere. You feel all the emotions that each and every character is feeling and you are immersed in each event and each place – you are really there with the characters as the story unfolds.

Patch and Saint are possibly two of my most favourite characters of all time. This is a coming of age story; we follow the characters from their childhood to adulthood – dealing with the traumatic events that had happened to Patch as a child. Patch deals with his trauma through art – and possibly some less sensible life choices, it appears, although it does begin to make sense as our tale unfolds. Saint deals with it by becoming a Police Officer, in the hope she can find her best friend Patch the resolution he needs and bring him back to her – emotionally, even if he has been present physically.

This is a fantastic study of character too. It really makes us consider why people do what they do, what their motivation is – both good and bad – to be the people they are, and to make the decisions that they do. And it is about the important relationships we have, and the love and support that can be offered by some of the most unusual friendships that are formed in our lives.

It is also about secrets – and when a secret is something that is kept to protect someone you love.

This is a beautiful slow burn of a book – a book that you can not put down because you have to know what is going to happen to each and every one of the characters on the page. It is also a book with a twist or two that will hit you like a bolt of lightning – and possibly break your heart.

I realise that this review probably says a lot but, at the same time, says nothing at all. What I hope this review does do is make you want to pick this book up, because – just like ‘We Begin at the End’ – I want everyone to read and fall in love with this story, the writing and the characters.

A Bird in Winter by Louise Doughty

Thank you Tandem Collective for having me along on the readalong of ‘A Bird in Winter’ by Louise Doughty. What a treat to be gifted a copy of this book to snuggle up with in these winter months and read along with a lovely group of bookworms.

This is a slow burn of a book, following Bird as she is on the run from someone she believes to be dangerous. Someone who had manipulated her in her place of work. Only, as the story unfolds, you realise that maybe Bird is not in the usual line of work and her being on the run may be far more serious than we would first imagine.

I can’t give too much away about this book as there are some secrets along the way that you uncover as the reader. But it is quite an adventure going on the run with Bird – and we find out about her past as she goes.

This is also one of those books with a very clever title. The kind of title that can have a number of meanings as the story is told, and you can interpret it as you wish by the end of the book. And, it is great to think that many different readers will see it in many different ways.

I enjoyed reading this book and I was keen to find out what was going to happen, and there is certainly the opportunity to discuss ideas with other readers. However, there was a little something missing. It felt as though there was something else we could be told as a reader – and not just because the end was left to allow the reader to reach their own conclusion about the tale, but because it suggested at points that there would be a little more given to us, and it did not quite materalise.

Yet, this book has a fantastically strong female lead in Bird and, my word, she is a brilliant character. She demonstrates so much strength and independence and certainly knows how to look after herself. And, as a general rule, she is no nobody’s fool and for that I loved her.

If you like your thrillers to have a slow burn, then you will enjoy this book. I will certainly pick up other books by this author, because I loved the style of the storytelling and did enjoy the read – I just thought there was a small part of the puzzle missing, although I think that is a me problem, rather than a problem with the book or plot itself.

Kala by Colin Walsh

The final in my accidental Irish trilogy of reading is the pick for the ‘Book and Pudding Club’, ‘Kala’ by Colin Walsh.

This is a book that proves you should not judge a book by its cover. I had seen this cover around a lot (attached to the book, of course) and it said to me: slowburn, coming-of-age story, hot summers and probably America. And, how wrong I was – other than having a link to the school days of the main characters, it has nothing to do with the ideas conjured up by the cover, and I have to admit that I am very glad that I was proved wrong about that.

‘Kala’ is set in small-town Ireland; Kala disappeared one evening in the teenage years of our main characters and they have never quite come to terms with it, and they have never had closure. But they are all carrying around their own baggage from those events; it may be physical scars, they may have tried to run away, or they may have turned to other ways to try and escape. Events seem to repeat themselves, just as people are moving on, when two girls disappear – but, a little like in the past, nobody seems to immediately react, as they see it as just attention seeking from ‘difficult’ teenage girls. As the severity of the situation dawns on the town, secrets and lies start to unravel – but will the truth finally be revealed to the whole town?

Now, at the heart of this book there is a mystery, and that is all I can say about the plot. However, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed this story (which always sounds a little strange when the book has a dark theme), and I loved that many of the chapters were first-person, but one of the chapters was told in the third-person – even though each chapter was based around one of our main characters. I could talk about why I think the author has done this, but I feel that this could give away some of the plot. What I will say, is that I think it worked, and I think it was actually a very clever plot device. (Although, this is more of a comment on me, rather than the book – I did not immediately notice this and then it suddenly hit me – a bit like a twist in a story does.)

If I have not yet convinced you to read this book – and absolutely not judge it by its cover – then hopefully the statement that this book kept me up well past my bedtime, as I just had to finish it, may do. This is a great study of human nature and character, and the darker side of small-town communities – how easy is it to hide your real self? I would really like to read more by this author, as I think Colin Walsh has many more stories to tell.

Where the Heart Should Be by Sarah Crossan

It appears I am having a phase of enjoying Irish literature – it has not been intentional but a sheer conincidence which has brought me to some wonderful books. ‘Where the Heart Should Be’ had been a treat to me, from me, when I spotted in one of my favourite independent bookshops, ‘Warwick Books’. I am a fan of Sarah Crossan’s free verse novels and this one had an additonal appeal of being a piece of historical fiction – based on the tragic events of the potato famine in Ireland.

This is a love story, a comment on social equality and justice, and historical fiction. And, it is safe to say, I absolutely adored this book. It had everything that you would expect from the pen of Sarah Crossan; it was beautifully constructed, the characters were engaging and it was emotive and atmospheric. I could not put this book down once I started it, I was swept away in the story.

I think what is important about this book is that it shows that love can cross divides but what makes this so tragic is that there, sadly, are always those who will not allow the love across the divide, or support the healing that it may bring. This book shows the harm that is inflicted when those who seem powerful try to control others – and the cruelty this can lead to. But, what really made me stop and think, and may have caused me to shed a tear, was the sheer injustice of the situation in Ireland at the time (and sadly for centuries) – the divides caused by the intolerance of those who chose to make Ireland their home, despite it already being the home of others.

I do not want to spoil this book for anyone, so I think the best way to appreciate this book is make sure you read it. But, be prepared that it will stay with you forever – and you will carry the characters around forever, thinking about them and their future.