A Love Letter to The Seven Sisters

Last year a lovely bookish buddy suggested that we read ‘The Seven Sisters’ series by Lucinda Riley. As I am always willing to give most books I go, I knew I had to join in (I also knew that I have a habit of not finishing book series, so I thought this may encourage me to do so). Little did I know that in just over a year I would have read all eight of the books and be suffering from a little bit of a book hangover.

I have not written blog posts for each of these books, so I thought I would write a post that was an appreciation for them as a whole. Through this wonderful series, Lucinda Riley took us on seven incredible journeys as each of the seven sisters and Atlas’ adopted daughters find out about their pasts and their heritages. And then we have ‘Atlas – The Story of Pa Salt’, written by Harry Whittaker (Lucinda’s son) and inspired by his mother’s wonderful work; that final book that ties up all the loose ends and mysteries that have been created by each of the other books.

I think the joy of these books is that they are beautifully crafted stories, with the rich histories of many nations around the globe interwoven into the tales. But, also, these are stories that remind us that there is so much goodness and kindness in the world; even when things seem at their hardest, there is always someone who will help you find your way.

Also, they also inspire the reader to find out more about each of their historical settings (well, they did for me, anyway) or the fascinating countries that the stories of the sisters begin in. There is also a great respect for the cultures and traditions of the world – nothing is disrespected in the name of entertainment, which is incredibly important to me as a reader and a History teacher. (I have been known to find books with historical settings disappointing/difficult, when entertainment has been placed above the respect that some things should be shown).

The next paragraph may be a little bit of a spoiler (although not if you are an observant reader – which I am not) if you have not yet read ‘Atlas – The Story of Pa Salt’…

But something that is incredible about these books, is not just how well plotted they are, but how you realise that Pa Salt was there all along. In pretty much every book, Pa Salt had made an appearance and, as you read the final book, you realise where you have missed him. I found that an absolute joy, as I could remember moments of reading the original seven books and I felt transported back to those stories. And I have even heard myself saying that I will re-read the original stories. I may do it on audio this time to have a different reading experience, but I will be ready to spot Pa Salt in each of the books – a bit like a grown-up ‘Where’s Wally?’

So, I titled this post ‘A Love Letter to The Seven Sisters’, and I stand by that. This is a series of books that has offered me true escapism, characters that I have loved and cared about, and sent me on adventures that I would never imagine going on. They have also got me over my fear of chunky books; I will never let that put me off again, as I could be missing out on some stunning stories.

This is also a thank you to wonderful bookish buddies who have read along with me. It is thanks to them that I have entered this fabulous world of ‘The Seven Sisters’. When you can read along with a bunch of bookworms at your own pace, but have a space to share their ideas, always makes the reading a little more special and proves that reading does not have to be an antisocial or lonely pastime. And I have found a new set of books that will hold a special place in my heart for a long time to come.

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