The Invisible Man by H G Wells

My May pick for ‘The Unread Shelf Project’ was ‘The Invisible Man’ – as this was the shortest unread book on my shelf.

I did not know what to expect from this novel – I did not know the story other than the obvious you can infer from the title. I had simply picked up a copy of this book as I had quite enjoyed ‘The War of the Worlds‘ and thought I would give some more H G Wells a go.

I devoured this book – in fact, I struggled to put it down. I really enjoyed the Gothic vibe of the story; it reminded me ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde‘. There was that conflict between the desire for scientific knowledge, and the drive of wanting to be remembered for that one great discovery – and the impact that has on people and their morals.

I do not like to give away spoilers, so I do not want to go too deeply into the story other than to say that I was not a fan of Griffin – so I do not have a lot of empathy or sympathy for the ‘Invisible Man’. Although, I understood some of his motivation, even if it is not a good path that he takes. However, I can understand how this book is a classic and it is definitely one that I would recommend, especially if you are fan of ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, as it is almost a more modern take of the dangers of science in the wrong hands.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

My first title for ‘The Unread Shelf Project 2022’ was ‘The Knife of Never Letting Go’ by Patrick Ness. This is a book that has been recommended to me a number of times, but it had sat unread on the shelf. And, as usual, I am now unsure why it has taken me so long to start the ‘Chaos Walking Trilogy’.

I absolutely do not want to spoil this for anyone who has not read it, so I am going to keep my post as spoiler-free as possible.

This is a great concept for a book. A world of ‘noise’ where there is no silence for many and no secrets. And some strange ideas about what the ‘new world’ should and could be. Interpretations can be so different amongst different people depending on the knowledge that people have received – their world view so easily influenced.

This book ends on a real cliffhanger, which means I am determined to continue with this trilogy. I have to know what happends to Todd and Viola, and if their world will be changed forever.