Where the Heart Should Be by Sarah Crossan

It appears I am having a phase of enjoying Irish literature – it has not been intentional but a sheer conincidence which has brought me to some wonderful books. ‘Where the Heart Should Be’ had been a treat to me, from me, when I spotted in one of my favourite independent bookshops, ‘Warwick Books’. I am a fan of Sarah Crossan’s free verse novels and this one had an additonal appeal of being a piece of historical fiction – based on the tragic events of the potato famine in Ireland.

This is a love story, a comment on social equality and justice, and historical fiction. And, it is safe to say, I absolutely adored this book. It had everything that you would expect from the pen of Sarah Crossan; it was beautifully constructed, the characters were engaging and it was emotive and atmospheric. I could not put this book down once I started it, I was swept away in the story.

I think what is important about this book is that it shows that love can cross divides but what makes this so tragic is that there, sadly, are always those who will not allow the love across the divide, or support the healing that it may bring. This book shows the harm that is inflicted when those who seem powerful try to control others – and the cruelty this can lead to. But, what really made me stop and think, and may have caused me to shed a tear, was the sheer injustice of the situation in Ireland at the time (and sadly for centuries) – the divides caused by the intolerance of those who chose to make Ireland their home, despite it already being the home of others.

I do not want to spoil this book for anyone, so I think the best way to appreciate this book is make sure you read it. But, be prepared that it will stay with you forever – and you will carry the characters around forever, thinking about them and their future.

Handle with Care by Louisa Reid

I feel so lucky to have been gifted a copy of ‘Handle with Care’ by Louisa Reid. Louisa Reid is an author that I really admire and I am always excited if I know there is a new book on the way. And it is safe to say that, yet again, she has given us an incredible read, that does not shy away from tough topics – and will in fact make you cry.

In this latest offering we are introduced to Ruby and Ash, best friends – but Ruby has been keeping a secret: she is pregnant. And when Hero makes a dramatic entrance to the world during a History lesson, both of their lives change forever, as does their friendship. Ruby has to deal with a world that thinks it knows best, and Ash has to deal with a revelation that throws a whole different light on what has led to this very moment.

I love that Ruby’s chapters are told in Louisa Reid’s usual wonderful free verse. This allows us to really be on the journey with Ruby as she comes to terms with becoming a mother and all that means for her. It conveys all the emotions that Ruby is experiencing beautifully, and the real feeling of confusion as she has to deal with becoming a mum – and the relationship she has with her own mother.

Ash’s chapters are told in prose, almost suggesting that her life is almost just carrying on as normal, as she tries to understand the experiences of Ruby. It works so well to show the distance which appears between the two friends, but how much Ash still loves her friend, yet just does not know how to help, as they are now living what seem to be very different lives.

I do not want to give any spoilers of what happens in this beautiful book, but I will say that it is an emotional rollercoaster. You will feel joy, sadness, anger and hope, sometimes all at the same time. Most importantly, though, Ruby, Ash and Hope will stay with you even when you have read the last word – and you may surprise yourself as you find yourself thinking about them when you least expect it.

Just like ‘Wrecked’ and ‘Gloves Off’, I will be recommending this book to everyone – and, of course, ‘The Poet’ (although this one is not YA). What reading this has also reminded me is that I must make sure I pick up a copy of ‘Activist’, because I know it is going to be a book that I will enjoy.

So, the important questions is, have you read any Louisa Reid yet? And if the answer is no, then make sure you give them a go soon – because you will not be disappointed.