Louisa Reid is one of the authors I was introduced to by The Tasting Notes Live – one of the greatest joys of book events is being introduced to new authors.
I was kindly gifted a copy of Lousia Reid’s latest book, ‘The Poet’, at The Tasting Notes Live Event.
‘The Poet’ is an adult free verse novel, and I really enjoyed it. Centring on a relationship between a professor and his ‘muse’, and once student, it tackles unhealthy relationships and how, sometimes, they can be difficult to escape – even when you know you should. This was a powerful read, and the beauty of free verse is that it often evokes a strong response, as there is so much skill in putting a whole narrative together in this way.
Also, having Louisa Reid read some of her free verse aloud, it makes you appreciate it even more – it is a text that should really be read aloud (although I appreciate we may not always want to sit and read aloud to ourselves), but it certainly makes you realise that you should not always speed through books, but take your time to read the verse.
Published on 2nd June, I recommend that you pick up a copy of this fantastic piece of free verse fiction.
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