This is my second Rainbow Rowell book (Eleanor and Park was first earlier this year) and another share from Hayley from Home.
I am not sure I will do this book as much justice as it deserves, as there is just so much to say, but there will be no spoilers from me. This is a very YA fiction book, which is not a problem at all, because it simply transports us older readers back to our teenage years. I could fully relate to Cath (other than us almost being name buddies) as her view of starting uni was pretty similar to mine. Not really sure about it all, avoiding situations you can’t control (I was exactly the same about attending the Dining Hall) and not convinced you are cool enough to be there. However, by the end, you find your way to fit with the people who make you happy – and realise it is not about being ‘cool’.
The relationship that ‘Cath’ has with her sister ‘Wren’ (did not work that play on words out – doh!) explores those difficult university dynamics too. It is interesting as their journeys unfold which one is truly happy and which one could really be struggling with the next step in life. We all, after all, have different battles to face in so many ways.
This book should be compulsory reading for anyone who doubts who they are, because we are all different and we should all be proud of who we are.
Since discovering the work of Rainbow Rowell, I am ready to read ‘Carry On’ – especially as it is a nod to Cath’s Simon Snow fan fiction from ‘Fangirl’. Have you read any books that transport you back to your past?