Harlan Coben is an author (as usual) I suspect I should have started reading a long time ago. In fact, my ‘100 Books Bucket List’ prompted me to pick up ‘Tell No One’, as I thought it would probably be something that I would enjoy – after all, I have watched the various Netflix adaptations of Coben’s work.
I found ‘Tell No One’ an absolute (cliche, I know) page-turner. There was so much going on in this thriller and it was cleverly constructed. Harlan Coben sends you down one road, feeling as though you know what is afoot, only for things to never be quite as they seem. Characters who seem insignificant suddenly become incredibly significant, and those that you have written off as surely not being involved are suddenly more involved than you could ever imagine.
As a thriller, I can not give too much away in my post. But very briefly, David Beck’s wife, Elizabeth, was murdered, and her murderer has been convicted. However, eight years later, the events of that tragic night are thrown into doubt and David’s life is turned upside down as he seems to be in the spotlight for her murder. What did happen that night eight years ago? And why is it all coming back to haunt David and his family?
This was as thrilling as I expected it to be, and I honestly found myself not being able to put the book down – even reading it until the very last minute that I stepped off the train on my commute each day. I can see why this book is on the poster of 100 books that are worth a read, and I will definitely be seeking out more of Harlan Coben’s books, especially when I am seeking out a clever thriller.