The Maid by Nita Prose

I have read ‘The Maid’ as lovely little readalong with my bookstagram buddies. As always, it was lovely to read and talk about books – but I feel a little bit of a let down, as I liked the book, but did not love the book.

The characters were lovely: Molly was just the thought of character you root for and know deserves a happy ending – even if the road to it may not always be smooth. And, well, how can you not adore a fan of Columbo. Plus, her friends are perfect for her.

However, for me, the plot was too obvious. Nothing particularly surprised me throughout, so it was not quite as thrilling as the opening page suggested. This does not make the book unenjoyable – just a little obvious but it is, overall, a nice read, and perfect when you just need a book to relax with and bring you some happiness during your treasured reading time.

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