The Man Who Didn’t Call by Rosie Walsh

This was a book that I found a little bit frustrating. It was almost a Black Sheep read for me; I was clost to giving up at about 20% of the way through, but I powered on. I am glad that I did , as by the end it was gripping page-turner. Just a bit of a shame it took a while to get there.

I am not going to share any spoilers. The idea of the novel is excellent – if a man does not call in this day and age, could it lead you to become obsessed with other ways of contacting them? Could that lead to you feeling as though you see them everywhere?

However, the really clever thing about this book is how Rosie Walsh leads the reader on some great false paths. As the tale unfolds, she reveals some real surprises and so many things are not quite as they seem. This is what made me appreciate that I had not given up on the book.

For me, there were just a few chapters which were not essentila to the take and caused my attention to wobble a little. Especially as this was my read on the commute, which means I really need my attention held at all times.

Have you read ‘The Man Who Didn’t Call’? What were your thoughts?