Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

A world without books – what is that all about? From the moment I started reading this book, I was fascinated – a world without books is something that I could never have imagined – but as a History teacher I have worried about.

Fahrenheit 451 is a book I always knew I should have read and Mr Bookwormandtheatremouse always rolled his eyes when we discussed how I had never read it. So, finally I have. I do wonder why I have not read it before and I think the reason was I simply never thought to. This book is wonderful, if not a little terrifying. After all a world without books would be my nightmare.

As much as this novel warns what we could face in a world where our knowledge is controlled and limited, it also causes the reader to celebrate books. As you follow Montag, the fireman (although a cause of rather than a fighter of fires), attempt to break away from society as he knows it, you appreciate books more with the turn of every page.

This book is a good piece of prose but, as with many similar novels, it is emotive and thought-provoking. You will finish this book ready to fight for freedom – freedom of knowledge and freedom to be an individual in an ever-changing and mixed-up world. Don’t let books you love be forgotten – ever!