Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

My fifth read from ‘The Women’s Prize for Fiction’ shortlist was ‘Piranesi’. So, let’s get this out of the way – ‘Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell’ was a DNF for me. I found it dull and the writing difficult to read. So, I was a little unsure as I started this (especially, as Mr Bookwormandtheatremouse loved it and we rarely agree).

However, my fears were dismissed within moments. I devoured this book in one day – I could not put it down and read past my bedtime to finish it, because I had to know what happened.

Told by Piranesi, through his journals we find out about his life in the House, where he has one friend in ‘The Other’ and has the company of statues. Piranesi believes that this is his world, however things begin to challenge this belief and his memories become fuzzy. Is what Piranesi believes to be true really the truth?

I loved that this book had so much mystery to it and challenged the idea of an individuals reality. What really forms our reality and identity?

This his a book that definitely deserves to be on the shortlist.