The Detective by Ajay Chowdhury

If you love a great piece of detective fiction, well, then you will love ‘The Detective’ by Ajay Chowdhury.

This is a crime novel that is right up to date but cleverly also entwines a crime from the past. We follow Detective Kamil as he attempts to impress his new team at the Met. Can he solve the mystery of a series of murders linked to a cyber company that is about to be sold for millions? And what exactly is it about the company that makes it so valuable – is it all it seems? Also, who are the skeletons that have been found at the scene of the first murder? After all, they are over 100 years old…

As you know, I do not write reviews that contain spoilers, but I do hope I spark your interest in the book. I mean, I was really interested in Detective Kamil and his case; Ajay Chowdury creates fantastic characters who are involved in a highly engaging mystery. I would quite like to sit down with Detective Kamil and find out a bit more about him (or just read the previous two books to find out a bit more – which I am definitely tempted to do). But he also brings the murder mystery exploding into the 21st century as he tackles some of the issues that we are facing today. Especially the idea about how much do these cyber companies know? Do we always know what is happening behind the scenes and with our data?

If you like a well-constructed, contemporary page-turner, then I would recommend you pick up ‘The Detective’, because you will not be disappointed.

Thank you to Harvell Sacker for the gifted copy of this fantastic read.