We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker

I have seen a few posts around about the books of Chris Whitaker (and, of course, recently spotted him on ‘Between the Covers’ on BBC Two – with the same surprise that he is British and not American – but I think that is an indication of what a great author he is). So, when I spotted ‘We Begin at the End’ at a bit of bargain price, I thought it was time for me to give the book a go.

This novel was brilliant. Excellent atmospheric storytelling from start to finish, gripping you from the very first moment. A slow-burn crime novel, starting with a historical crime that has left its mark on small-town America, we are brought up to date – but the ghosts of the past are still haunting our characters, young and old.

And there is that moment all crime and thriller fans love; the twist that I did not see coming, but that was a wrench and almost a heartbreaking moment. I had to take a minute when it hit me as I was not expecting it at all – and it leaves you with so many points to think about that you know this book will be with you for quite some time to come.

I think the other thing that makes this book the read it is are the characters. They are so well-crafted, you can imagine each and every one of them – they are a true cast that bring the story to life. And some of them are not quite what you expect – it is amazing what people can hide about themselves or how the judgement of others can create a character, correctly or incorrectly. You will admire some of the characters, you will dislike others, but what you will realise as you read is that people are rarely what you expect. Each of these characters will be with me for quite some time, but especially Walk and Duchess: two very different figures, both of whom have a strong sense of justice, but maybe different views of to whom it should be handed out…

This is a book that I am going to be recommending to anyone who will listen to me. You do not need to be a crime fan to read this tale; you just need to be a fan of an excellent story and a well-written book. It will have you reading past your bedtime, or – in my case – ignoring all responsibilities as I just had to know what was going to happen next and what the conclusion to this fantastic story would turn out to be.

So, if you have not yet picked up a novel by Chris Whitaker, maybe now is the time. And it has definitely bumped ‘All the Colours of the Dark’ up my tbr pile.

The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers by Samuel Barr

With a fellow bookworm, we seem to have managed to go on some buddy reads that are helping to clear our tbr piles. ‘The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers’ has been sitting on my shelf after I saw all the love it was getting on Bookstagram, and I spotted it in one of my favourite independent bookshops, Warwick Books, – so, it was definitely time that I read it. This is also a book that I chose because the cover just made me happy on the beautiful hardback edition.

I adored this book – it was just a wonderful hug in a book. This has so many of the things that I seem to be loving in a book at the moment, especially one that I consider to be a cosy read.

‘The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers’ was set up by Pippa Allsbrook as somewhere that those who love creating puzzles of all kinds can live and work together; a haven for those who may need a little companionship as they get older. However, one day Pippa finds an unusual package on the doorstep which leads her to compile her final puzzle, and unravel a mystery that has been hanging over the fellowship for quite some time.

I loved that in this book we are privy to that final puzzle; we see the same clues as the characters and we have the chance to try and solve them before the solution is revealed in the chapter. The puzzle almost becomes a character in the book.

There is also a dual timeline in the story that alternates between chapters; we see what took Pippa to decide to establish the fellowship, and the friendships and experiences of her earlier life. Alongside this, we follow Clayton as he tries to solve the puzzle left to him by Pippa – as well as him going on a journey of self-discovery of where he has come from and where he may be going.

But, for me, something that was very special about this novel is that we did not just have wonderful characters – we had wonderful older characters. I am not sure if we are just being treated to so many more books with brilliant older characters, or if I am just drawn to books that feature older characters when I am looking for my cosy comfort reads, but, either way, this is a book full of brilliant, bold characters that you would love to hang out with.

So, if you are looking for a charming, cosy read as we enter the long winter months, then this is a book that will bring you some sunshine and joy. And I hope we hear more from Samuel Barr, as I think he may be someone that becomes an auto-buy author for me in the future.

Let’s Split Up by Bill Wood

If you love everything nineties and early noughties, especially if you are the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ generation, then you will be a great fan of ‘Let’s Split Up’.

This book is a joy of the YA horror/thriller genre and is a whole lot of fun to read. Set in a small American town, with a high school, a group of friends who may not quite fit into a clique, and a house with a dark secret – I mean that is the ideal recipe for a bit of a spooky read with a thrilling edge. And then when you throw into the mix the killing of the ‘it’ couple from the high school (not a spoiler, as it says that in the blurb), you have all that you need for a great autumn read.

I really enjoyed this novel, as it was like a love letter to so many of the things that I love from my teenage years – yet things that may have always slightly spooked me. But it also contained great characters, especially the four friends that we follow through the story. I loved their desire to solve the mystery and the dark secret of the manor, because I think, really, we all wanted to do that if these are the stories we enjoyed. The tension was also brilliantly created with some fantastic descriptive writing that brought it all to life.

If you still read YA (which I hope you do), or even if you don’t and maybe you start, this would be a great book to pick up, as there are so many different ways that it can be enjoyed – but I do think nostalgia was the one that really hooked me in.

Thank you Bill Wood for bringing this much joy to a horror book (is that a contradiction in terms?).

In the Blink of an Eye by Jo Callaghan

This is a book that (no surprise) I have been meaning to read for ages. And when it was recommended by a number of people I admire, I knew I had to pick it up and give it a read.

Now, there are so many reasons that I loved this book. Firstly, I found it fascinating that it was about bringing AI into police work. How would removing human emotion impact police work? Would it bring more efficiency to the process? There is so much to unpack here, as there were moments of admin that the AI was certainly pretty efficient at – being able to watch hours of CCTV for example. But it is true that sometimes the human touch and a little emotion is not a hindrance but a help. As well as this, there was the intrigue of how DCS Frank works with the AIDE (Locke); how he becomes almost human when she needs someone to speak to or share ideas with. Although that does come with its own dangers – as she soon finds out…

Alongside this, there was the brilliant crime thriller element of the book. Someone goes missing every 90 seconds, one could say ‘in the blink of an eye’, and it becomes DCI Franks job to decide which cases about missing people the team should return to and hopefully solve for their families. When she spots the connection, it brings it all a little close to home – but there are no spoilers here, so you will have to read the book if you want to know how.

And, finally, I know the area that this book is set in very well. There is something rather fun about reading about an area you know in a good book. Especially when there are even some quite niche references like that hardware store on the high street… I would quite like DCS Kat Franks’ cottage, too, but I think that is an actual work of fiction (or has been moved from one end of the town the other).

Overall, Jo Callaghan has crafted fantastic characters in a fantastic crime thriller. And I am now rather excited to read ‘Leave No Trace’, because this is a world I would like to enter again. This book deserves all the accolades it has received, and I am already recommending it to all the crime/thriller fans I know.

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

‘Strange Sally Diamond’ has been sitting on my shelf for far too long, so when a lovely bookworm offered to buddy read with me, I knew it was time to take the book off my shelf and read it. And, I am so glad that I did – and it is definitely a great book to buddy read.

Sally Diamond does not think that life is strange; in fact, she has been happy with her existence until the death of her father. From this moment, her life changes forever, and everything she thought she knew starts to crumble. This is a story where I absolutely can not share any spoilers, too, because this is an incredible read. Although not a light read, this is quite a dark tale, but there are still some moments of humour in it.

The book is a fascinating study of human nature. As well as that age-old question: nature versus nurture? All of which makes it such an amazing buddy read, as there is so much to debate in its pages. It will really make you question what Liz Nugent makes you and her characters believe about those you encounter as you read the book. And it probably does teach us all to be a little more kind, as we never really know everything about anyone, and maybe our prejudgements are not always accurate.

I do not feel I can do a long post about this book because it has to be read to be fully appreciated and I do not want to spoil anyone’s reading experience. I will, however, say that this is a book that has introduced me to a new author who I would like to read more from, because if they are even half as good as this one, then they will be fantastic reads, with well-crafted characters and thought-provoking stories.

Goose by Dawn O’Porter

It has been a little while since I read a book in a day but that is exactly what I did with ‘Goose’ by Dawn O’Porter. And, I must be hooked, as, after never having read any books by Dawn O’Porter, I have read two in a month.

‘Goose’ is the sequel to ‘Paper Aeroplanes‘ and it was lovely to be reunited with Renee and Flo, and see how the time after Secondary School is going for each of them. It will be no surprise that it is not all smooth sailing for our duo and there are challenges thrown in their way – and there is a rather worrying moment when it appears that their friendship may be on the rocks (not a spoiler as we all know the trials and tribulations that come with teenage years and friendship) – but we know our pair will find their way eventually. Allthough, it is not always the path that they thought they would be following, and sometimes you have to be willing to change your path as you go – after all, nothing is ever set in stone.

I do not want to share too much about the year they seem to have as they work towards their A-Levels, but you will become fully invested in hoping that Renee and Flo both find their way as they face the year. I think it is a little bit of a story that shows how opposites can attract and create some of the strongest bonds that can be formed. And just like in ‘Paper Aeroplanes’, Dawn O’Porter does not shy away from tackling some tough issues, but it is always done well, with sensitivity and care, and not to shock.

I do have to reinforce that I do not think that these are books that should be categorised as YA – or at least not as much older YA, anyway. Although it is wonderful that so many important issues are tackled in these stories, I feel that these are books that can be read to be reflective. To, possibly, remind us what it was like to be a teenager, and not what it is to be a teenager.

I am certainly looking forward to finding out more about Renee and Flo in ‘Honeybee’, which has been released this year.

Nosy Neighbours by Freya Sampson

I spotted ‘Nosy Neighbours’ on bookstagram, and thought it looked like something that I would enjoy, especially as I enjoyed ‘The Last Library’, when we read it at The Book Taster Book Club.

However, interestingly, I am not sure that the cover of this book does it justice. This book is a story with a heart, and a message. This is a book that highlights so many key issues – like loneliness, community, grief, and many more – but in a story that is a joy to read.

This is a story about the inhabitants of Shelly House; some, like Dorothy, have lived there for a very long time. But now it is under threat from developers, and the community may be torn apart – so, it is time for action.

Kat has just joined this community after renting a room from Joseph, and swiftly gets caught up in all the goings-on, rather reluctantly as she has her own past to deal with. Yet, it is not long before the residents of Shelly House all realise that maybe they all have more in common than they realise (especially the common enemy in the local developer), and perhaps it is time to move on, build a future and leave the ghosts of the past behind.

Freya Sampson writes brilliant books that centre around fantastic characters. She really understands the range of relationships that we all have in our lives, and the importance of friendship to all of us. And no character is too small: Reggie and Princess (the two dogs in this tale) are just as significant as their human counterparts. These characters are all people who will stay with you for a long time, and will leave a footprint in your heart.

I have, accidentally, read a lot of books recently with cross-generational relationships, and I have to say that there is something heartwarming about them. And it makes you realise how important it is to us to cherish friendships of all kinds, and that we can all learn from each other, older and younger. I would love to hang out with each of these characters from Shelly – even the dark horse who brings quite a revelation at the end.

So, if you want to spend some time with colourful and fascinating characters – this is the book for you.

Frank and Red by Matt Coyne

For my IRL book club, ‘Frank and Red’ by Matt Coyne had been picked for September. And I was over the moon, as ‘Frank and Red’ had been on my shelf since ‘The Book Taster Live’ earlier this year (when I was also lucky enough to meet Matt Coyne).

This is a book that is a rather rare thing, this is a book that made me laugh out loud (and repeat the funny lines to Mr Bookwormandtheatremouse) and cry (and when I say cry, I mean ugly cry). This is a book that is full of two wonderful characters in Frank and Red who I will carry around in my heart forever.

Frank is a rather grumpy old man who is stuck in his ways, his wife Marcie has died, he has lost contact with his son and he never leaves the safety of his house and garden. Red is a rather chatty six year old, who likes to make friends and who has had to move to new area after his parents separated, and his new home with his mum is next door to Frank. And, as you may not be surprised to learn, much to Frank’s despair, as he rather likes (or so he thinks) the quiet life.

However, over time, these two very different characters become the friends that maybe neither of them realised that they needed. There are quite some adventures and misadventures along the way, but together they help each other learn a little more about themselves and the people that both of them can become.

Matt Coyne writes in such a humourous way but with real moments of tenderness – and has obviously written from the heart. This book is truly a page-turner, I was reading past my bedtime because I just kept wanting to stay in the company of this wonderful story. I hope that we will be treated to more books from Matt Coyne because this one is has definitely cemented itself as one of my favourite reads of the year. So, if you have not picked it up yet, do yourself a favour and make sure you do.

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams

I put a call out to the lovely ‘Book Taster’ community, to ask for a book that was about books.

I mean, a dedicated bookworm like me should be able to come up with a book about books, but there are almost too many, so I hoped that I would get some great recommendations from the lovely readers on the ‘Book Taster’ community. And my cunning plan worked, as I was recommended ‘The Reading List’ by Sara Nisha Adams.

Now, I admit that I would not have picked this book up without it being a recommendation. And I know I should not admit this, but the cover may well have put me off to begin with – however, now I absolutely love the cover, and it gives me ‘Only Murders in the Building’ vibes. Which, despite this book having nothing to do with the crime genre, hints that it does have something in common with that classic TV show: a beautiful and heartwarming cross-generational friendship, between Aliesha and Mukesh.

This book has so many things about it that make it an absolute joy to read, but one of the absolute best things about this book is that it is about the importance of libraries and books. Both of which we, as readers, know are incredibly important in so many different ways. In this story, they bring together Aleisha, a librarian in the local library, and Mukesh, a widower who is slowly realising that maybe he needs to make some changes to his life – and he is about to embark on a friendship that is going to do just that, with the help of the power of books.

The story is told in eight parts; each part is dedicated to one of the books on the reading list. During each part, Aleisha and Mukesh are both reading the book on the list, and each of these books is teaching them some important lessons about life. These books bring them together but also give them some insight into how to tackle the hand that life has dealt them. It brings them closer to their families but also supports them in moments of grief and struggle.

I am not sure I can do this book justice – it was just a really wonderful read that I will be thinking about and recommending for a long time to come. Although, there is the risk that you will be adding books to your tbr pile – I have read four of the books referenced in the story, which means that there are four more on the wishlist to be added to the tbr pile (although I admit they are probably books that I should have read by now). And I am pretty sure this book may make you visit your local library, too, as it is true how important they are to the community for so many different reasons.

So, if you are a bookworm, you will love this book – the characters, the story and the love letter it really is to books and libraries. Just beautiful.

Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O’Porter

I had not read any of the books of Dawn O’Porter, but when I heard that this series was a YA novel, I thought I would give it a go, especially as she had been inspired by the friendships and girls she knew in her younger years. A friend of mine had a copy, so I asked if I could borrow it and give it a go.

Now, before I go too much into my thoughts, I do have to say that I am surprised that this is presented as YA fiction. I am not sure I would be recommending it to that age group – or, if I did, it would be the older end of the YA age range. It definitely tackles some topics that I am not sure are appropriate to the younger end of the YA age range.

However, I enjoyed this book. Although, that never seems quite like the correct word when there are some difficult topics tackled amongst is pages, but it is a good read. We meet Renee and Flo, both 15 years old and both facing the end of their secondary school education. They have not been friends and there are those in their peer group that would not consider that they are meant to be friends – they are just two very different teenagers, having very different experiences in their teenage years. Yet, they are actually more alike than they realise: they are both lonely, they both have some complex family relationships and they both are not really totally sure who they really are. They both face some real struggles as we read their stories, and at moments it is incredibly difficult for both of our characters and their families.

I absolutely loved meeting Flo and Renee, and could see in them so many of the teenage girls I knew when I was at school. But the novel handled the complexity of being a teenager beautifully – especially that idea of not really knowing what your true identity is, or those friendships that maybe are not the correct ones but, at the time, they are the ones that you feel you should work on, sometimes for little return. And, the moment at the end of the book when Flo and Renee are really honest that maybe they are the friends for each other, and it does not really matter what anybody else thinks, is rather wonderful.

I am really glad that there are more stories of Flo and Renee for me to discover, as ‘Goose’ is the second book and ‘Honeybee’ is coming out this month. I would really like to see what happens to our two wonderful characters.

This, of course, does mean that I may try more of the books of Dawn O’Porter because this one was a very good starting point.