The Unfinished Business of Eadie Browne by Freya North

I would normally wait to write about ‘The Book Taster‘ pick for book club because we have not reached book club week yet. This is because the chance to chat helps you keep thinking and evaluating the book, and what you have read. However, this time, I can’t wait that long to share my thoughts – because I absolutely adored this book, and ‘The Book Taster’ has spread its magic again in introducing me to a new author.

‘The Unfinished Business of Eadie Browne’ has also been recommended by the fantastic Matt Cain, so it has actually been sitting on my shelf for some time, but, luckily, ‘The Book Taster’ gave me the boost I needed to pick it up. Because, let’s be honest, the curse of being a book lover, is that we may treat collecting books as a separate hobby to reading them, so they can be on those shelves for quite some time.

This is a beautifully written, thoughtful read. We meet Eadie Browne as she sets off on a road trip to a funeral in her home town. As she is on this trip with her husband, she is reflecting on what has got her to this moment. We go right back to her childhood, through her teenage years, to university, to the present day. And it is quite a journey we go on with Eadie as we learn more about her, her family, and her friendships and relationships. As we reach the conclusion of the tale and threads start to come together, we understand why exactly Eadie is so keen to be at this funeral, and the closure and support that it may give her and those around her.

I want this to be spoiler-free, but I will share that I think it is a clever technique in the tale that we do not know exactly who the funeral is for, for so much of the story – it is a twist that is quite a surprise. And it is a twist that for me was quite emotional to read and really made Eadie a beautiful character, as well as supporting the reader in really understanding her. This shows what skill Freya North demonstrates as an author, too – to bring so much emotion to a story that seems potentially so ordinary (a coming of age tale), but truly makes it her own and unique, feeling like you have not read something like this before.

Now, I am keen to read more books by Freya North, as this is my first and it has definitely whetted my appetite to read more. I do enjoy discovering an author who has a backlist for me to explore, because it opens you to a whole new world of reading adventures – and meeting more characters along the way.

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